St John's CE Primary Academy

'With God All Things are possible'

Welcome to

St John's CE Primary Academy

  1. Our School
  2. Church and Community
  3. Collective Worship

Collective Worship

‘Invitational, Inclusive, Inspiring’

The Church of England Education Office (2021)


Here at St John’s, Collective Worship shows the possibilities of a values education and incorporates an SMSC education. We promote the vision and values of our school through the rich Christian tradition of Anglican worship. Our School family gathers together daily for quality time to encounter the love of God and our community. We develop spiritual growth through a windows, mirrors and doors approach, facilitating spiritual growth and inviting the development of prayer and reflection for all members of our school community, providing opportunities for all to participate in worship and grow spiritually and/or in faith. Collective worship inspires pupils to reflect upon values, know their worth and to faithfully go out into the world in encouragement.

Collective Worship is accessible to all regardless of belief, and whilst it is invitational, parents and pupils have the right to withdraw

from Collective Worship. We would advise parents to discuss this with Mrs Deakin should this option wished to be exercised. 


Collective Worship Half Termly Values at St John’s

 Collective Worship Policy 2024-2025.pdfDownload
 St John's Collective Worship Plan 2024-2025.docxDownload
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What does collective worship look like at St John’s?

Opportunities to reflect

Our Collective worship invites pupils to reflect on larger questions of meaning and purpose. Our proactive Ethos Group plans opportunities to reflect ad respond to Collective Worship throughout the year. Our worship table is the hall focuses our attention on conserving: Why are we here? Why do we do what we do?


We have close links with our Churches and often welcome clergy and visitors into school from our church parishes as well as those from the Sandbach area.

On Tuesdays and on some Thursdays,  we like to have 'Church in School' for Collective Worship.

Distinctively Christian in character, Collective worship at St John’s CofE Primary School is central to the life of the school. It is an affirmation and celebration of our vision, values and ethos where the Trinity lies at its focus.

Securely based on the Bible and teaching of Jesus, Collective Worship develops an understanding of the Christian faith and Anglican practise through appropriate biblical and liturgical content that pupils learn and experience, so they can reflect upon themes within their own lives.

Collective worship is an entitlement to all, is valued and holds high status in our school family. We serve to build understanding, respect and empathy in pupils, preparing them for life in the wider world.