St John's CE Primary Academy

'With God All Things are possible'

Welcome to

St John's CE Primary Academy

  1. Our School
  2. SEND


Special Educational Needs And Disabilities


At St John's CE Primary School we work hard to ensure that every child is happy, supported, is fully involved in learning and makes good progress.  We have an extensive range of support systems in place in order to achieve this and our School building is fully accessible by all children.  Our SENDCo is Miss Dean who has the National SENCO Award.

Miss Dean offers termly meetings for parents and children who are on our Special Needs register so that all stakeholders are fully engaged and informed and are able to work together as a team to support the child's learning and development. They are fully involved in the support plan process and any agencies that are involved with their child. 

At St John's CE Primary School, we believe that each pupil has individual and unique needs. We acknowledge that a proportion of pupils will have special educational needs and disability (SEND) at some point whilst at school. Many of these pupils may require help throughout their time in school, while others may need a little extra support for a short period to help them overcome more temporary needs. If these pupils are to achieve their full potential, we must recognise this and plan accordingly. The school aims to provide all pupils with strategies for dealing with their needs in a supportive environment, and to give them meaningful access to the National Curriculum.

St John's Local Offer and Further guidance can be found on the Cheshire East website.

St John’s Local Offer

Further information about our current offer for SEN is available in the download from this page.

Miss Dean is the SENDCO at St. John's CE Primary School.


SEND Advice:

If you would like advice from our SENDCO, you can contact them by email:


Further Guidance

Please refer to SEND policy and the Local offer for St. John's CE Primary School for further information with regards to our provision and support for children with special educational needs here at our school.

Alternatively, please don't hesitate to contact the school by phone, by email or in person to ask any questions that you may have.


Cheshire East Information Advice and Support

Welcome to Live Well Cheshire East - giving you greater choice and control of the services you need. You’ll find useful information and advice on a range of subjects, and an easy to use directory of over 3000 services and activities in your area.

CEIAS team link

 SEND Webpage
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