St John's CE Primary Academy

'With God All Things are possible'

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St John's CE Primary Academy

  1. Our School
  2. Our Curriculum

St John’s CofE Primary School Curriculum Statement

With God All Things Are Possible’ (Matthew 19:26)

Our School Family exists to ensure that each person knows that they are valued. In feeling valued we will thrive and be aspirational for our future. In feeling God’s unconditional love, gaining hope and wisdom from his teachings and experiencing Christian traditions, our lives are enriched as a community of followers. God ‘opens to doors of possibility’ to us. We have confidence and know that we are valued and so become ready to contribute positively and faithfully in a diverse society throughout or lives.


At St Johns, we fulfil the Statutory Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum, and aspire to meet the Church of England’s Vision for Education of ‘life in all its fulness’. Our driver for education is our vision and values that permeate in all that we do and subsequently we provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum for the hearts and minds of our pupils. We provide opportunities for our pupils to be inspired by mystery, demonstrate curiosity and open mindedness, draw upon their own perspectives, appreciate and be thankful, so that they can see all of the possibilities on offer for them to grow in character as well as in education.


With God All Things Are Possible’ (Matthew 19:26)


Pupils at St Johns learn within a coherent and progressive framework exploring the breadth and depth of the National Curriculum that provides challenge and develops skills of enquiry, critical thinking and judgement whilst gaining a depth of knowledge .


We aim to build upon previous learning whilst reinforcing prior knowledge and understanding. Further to this, our school explores the hidden significance of each subject; we call this the hidden curriculum which offers learning beyond the knowledge, skills and understanding of the subject and provides gateways to spirituality through additional depth and experience, a greater understanding of lived values and a character building education.


Our curriculum is designed around individual subjects with links made between them to create topics, and plans are regularly reviewed and adapted to meet the changing needs and interests of our pupils.


“Every teacher is a teacher of every child, including those with SEN” (SEN Code of Practise, September 2024) and every subject is fully inclusive of all children ensuring the utmost opportunities are given for each child to nurture their special gifts. In a culture of wellbeing and community, every child is given the chance to identify possibilities and their chance to shine. They are able to acquire new skills which will ensure that they feel their value.


Teachers provide a climate of discovery . They know their pupils well and adapt their planning so it’s the most appropriate to the needs of the individuals within their class. They have high expectations of the pupils in their care and use assessment processes which informs future planning and learning opportunities.


The way children engage in learning and showcase, share, celebrate and publish their work will show the impact of our curriculum, in addition to progress checks and teacher assessment of end of term/unit objectives.


 Through experiencing our curriculum, pupils will become well prepared for the next phase of their learning. It will facilitate them to develop fully-rounded characters, with a clear understanding of the values in which to live, and they will develop character that prepares them for life, for living in the community and for living in the wider world. Our ‘With God All Things Are Possible’ (Matthew 19:26) vision will be reflected within the relationships, lives and positive futures of our children.


Love, Wisdom, Hope, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Justice

How do we ‘OPEN THE DOORS OF POSSIBILITY’ for our pupils?

At St Johns, we offer:

Wisdom that our pupils need to become compassionate adults.

An education embedded in values that will impact upon the hearts and minds of our pupils and guide them in life to confidently and faithfully go out in the word with encouragement.

Opportunities for spirituality that provide additional depth in experience.

An SMSC education that equips our pupils to live with compassion, tolerance and respect, justice and equality.

Insight into living well across the curriculum, that develops self-esteem so our pupils can flourish in self-belief’ into healthy ad confident people-building resilience, confidence and understanding of their worth and value, developing their relationships, settings goals, being active, continuing their learning and being kind to others and self.

Knowledge and understanding that develops key skills and core knowledge across the curriculum subjects, that our pupils can continue to draw upon throughout their lives.

A love of learning and curiosity that enthuses our pupils to become lifelong learnings.

We encourage our pupils to love and value the curriculum we deliver. We want learners to discuss, reflect an appreciate the impact that every subject has upon their learning, development and wellbeing an how their learning shapes their thinking and the people that our pupils will become.


We nurture these possibilities through providing a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum that is relevant and sequential, ad is also rooted in the universal values of Gods Kingdom, our pupils ‘love to learn, and learn to love’.

Learning at St Johns is crucial to realising in the Church of England’s vision for education in ‘Living life in all its fulness’ and integral to living our vision of ‘With God All Things Are Possible’ (Matthew 19:26), where values are learned develop and lived.

We encourage our pupils to have a voice and teach them to develop their role in society, living out their faith and/or values in action, and to understand how they can make a different to their own loves and that of others. We encourage our children to be outward-looking and to have a sense of social responsibility and develop respect for the wider world: to have a concern for justice and to stand up for what they believe, realising the role they have to play in serving God and others.

In encouraging a love of learning we:

Offer opportunities for pupils to see the possibilities of their gifts and talents

Provide opportunities for creative and critical thinking

Ensure pupils have time to reflect, respond and express themselves

Provide engaging activities in each subject within a supportive and respectful environment which contributes to pupils becoming active learnings.

Enable pupils to achieve and develop personal within an inclusive school community.

Facilitate pupils to engage as active members of the school, local, national and global community.

Encourage our pupils to learn from mistakes, ask lots of question and maintain a positive attitude to their learning.

Draw upon resources within our community to further enhance the curriculum

Provide indoor and outdoor learning opportunities and utilise the abundance around us

Make links to the past present and future world.

Welcome visitors and partnerships to enrich and extend children’s leaning.

Organise visits that will enhance learning and provide positive learning experiences

What DO WE MAKE POSSIBLE for our pupils?

Our curriculum prepares pupils for the next phase in their education. Our pupils leave St Johns with the essential knowledge, skills and understanding, and personal attributes that enable them to continue to live though Christian values and make a positive impact upon the world.

Through experiencing a challenging curriculum, pupils develop independence, resilience and a love of learning.

Through experiencing the breadth of the curriculum, pupils are given opportunity to acquire a rich and deep subject knowledge, an enhanced understanding of the world around them, and an appreciation of diversity.

Though experiencing a curriculum embedded in values, our pupils are facilitated to live good lives

We have woven teaching an learning within and environment where pupils can develop confidence, cultivate a ‘can do’ attitude and feel of value. As a result, pupil her learn, progress, achieve and flourish because w have ‘opened up the doors of possibility to them’.


‘With God All Things Are Possible’

(Matthew 19:26)

8:30 -8:50 8:50 - 10:00 9:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:50

10:50 - 12:00 (KS1)

10:50 - 12:15 (KS2)

12:00 - 13:00 (KS1)

12.15 - 13:15 (KS2)

13:00 - 15:20 (KS1)

13:15 - 15:20 (KS2)


School Opens


Session 1 10:00 Worship in Song Break Session 2 Lunch Session 3/4 Home Time

School Opens


Session 1 10:00 God's Big Story Worship Break Session 2 Lunch Session 3/4 Home Time

School Opens


Session 1 10:00 I-sing Pop Worship Break Session 2 Lunch Session 3/4 Home Time

School Opens


10:00 KS2 Worship - Mr Norbury

KS1 Session 1

KS1 Worship -Miss Dean

KS2 Session1

Break Session 2 Lunch Session 3/4 Home Time

School Opens


Celebration Worship Session 1 Break Session 2 Lunch Session 3/4 Home Time