St John's CE Primary Academy

'With God All Things are possible'

Welcome to

St John's CE Primary Academy

  1. School Council

School Council

What is our purpose? 

We are the voice of the students

  •  We aim to get things done to make our school better.
  • To find ways to improve our school.
  • To give every pupil a voice and to make all decision making fair.


All members of the school council have a duty to report back any information they discuss to their classes. They must also make sure they represent the views of every child in their own classes by sharing them at -school council. They can record this information in their school council book.


What happens at the school council meetings? 

School council meetings are held most weeks.  We talk about the outcomes of our class discussions , make plans and celebrate outcomes. 


Organisation of the school council 

  • Two representatives from Years 3-6
  • Mr Stewart is the Teacher representative 
  • An agenda is to be organised by the link teacher
  • Meetings to be lead by the chair. 
  • Minutes will be recorded by the vice-chair
  • All members of the school council can make suggestion

It is a very responsible job, and School Council Members will share information with their class, and get ideas and views from pupils by talking. 


Meet the school council

Stanley - Year 3

Hi, I'm Stan. I love playing football and I particularly like maths at St Johns. I love being a school council member as it makes me feel responsible.


Liv- Year 3

Hiya! I'm Liv! In my spare time I love watching TV and spending time with my brother and sister. St John's is a great school and I have lots of friends. I wanted to be a school council member so that I could have a positive impact on school.


Teddy- Year 4

Hi, I'm Teddy! I love Art lessons as I really like drawing! In my spare time, I love playing basketball.


Diana- Year 4

Hello! I'm Diana! I love being part of St John's school. We really feel like one big family. Outside of school, I love spending time with my friends. I really hope that I can set a good example as a school councillor.


Jess- Year 5

Hiya, I'm Jess! I'm really excited to be a school council member and I can't wait to have positive impact on the school. In my spare time, I love playing rugby and PE is my favourite lesson at St John's.


Harry- Year 5

Hi, I'm Harry! Being a pupil at St John's is so much fun and I have lots of friends that I enjoy playing with. In my spare time, I love playing on my XBox! Being a school council member makes me feel very important.


Lily- Year 6

Hiya! I'm Lily and I'm Harry's sister. I can't wait to play an important role on the school council and help the school become even better! In my spare time, I love to draw! As I'm in year 6, I get to be a buddy to a reception child and I enjoy spending time with them and helping them have a great start to St John's.


Lila- Year 6

Hiya! I'm Lila! This is my second year being a school councillor and I love it! I really enjoy helping to make important decisions that will help the school and the pupils. I love spending time with my reception buddy and helping them to enjoy St John's as much as I do! In my spare time, I love playing hockey!